Thursday, 28 February 2013

Benefits of Calcium


1Bone up on calcium to prevent osteoporosis

You know it: Calcium is crucial for strong bones and teeth, and it is especially important for children and young adults to bone up on the mineral. Calcium absorption and bone development is at its peak up to age 20, and then decreases at around age 30 when a draining process begins. An adequate intake of calcium, plus an appropriate intake of vitamin D, can significantly increase bone mass in both growing children and young adults, and it can decrease bone loss during aging.

2Calcium will keep you slim and trim

Over the past few years, calcium has been getting attention due to its slimming effects on the metabolism. In his book The Abs Diet for Women, Men's Health editor-in-chief David Zinczenko says, "It's about time for dairy to accept a break-out role as a vehicle for weight loss." Research suggests that calcium may prevent weight gain because it promotes more fat to be burned and less fat to be stored. Experts suggest three servings of dairy every day while also reducing calories in other areas of your diet to accommodate your increased dairy intake.

3Kick PMS to the curb with calcium


  • Yogurt, plain, 8 ounces = 415 milligrams
  • Sardines, 3 ounces = 325 milligrams
  • Cheddar cheese, shredded, 1.5 ounces = 306milligrams
  • Milk, 8 ounces = 300 milligrams
  • Orange juice with calcium, 8 ounces = 300milligrams
  • Sesame seeds, 1 ounce = 280 milligrams
  • Tofu, firm, prepared with nigari, 1/2 cup = 250milligrams
  • Spinach, cooked, 1/2 cup = 145 milligrams
  • Salmon, bones included, 3 ounces = 181milligrams
Dr. Susan Thys-Jacobs, the endocrinologist who created the PMS supplement Premcal, says, "If women don't ingest enough dietary calcium and vitamin D, the hormones that regulate calcium react negatively with estrogen and progesterone and trigger PMS symptoms." The expert on PMS recommends a daily intake of 1000 milligrams of calcium and 1000 to 2000 units of vitamin D.

4Calcium may combat cancer

A healthy antioxidant-rich diet has been touted as a preventative of cancer, but research suggests that adequate calcium intake may also ward off colorectal, ovarian and breast cancers. More is not necessarily better, however, as some studies conclude that megadoses of calcium (through supplementation) may increase the risk of prostate cancer. The National Cancer Institute does not recommend calcium supplementation as a means to prevent cancer, but it promotes adequate calcium intake through dietary sources.

5Calcium is heart-healthy -- in moderation

Emerging research supports an adequate calcium intake as a means to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Though 99 percent of the calcium in the body is in the bones and teeth, the remaining one percent plays a crucial role in other bodily functions, such as nerve transmission and muscular function. The heart is a muscle and both the heart and blood vessels are innervated by the nervous system. A deficiency in calcium can cause heart problems, as well as high blood pressure. Warning: Too much calcium, upwards of 2,000 milligrams or more, has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease, so rely on calcium-rich food sources for heart health.

Credit to this link

Monday, 25 February 2013

Updated: Status HALAL Produk Shaklee

Masih tertanya2 ttg status HALAL produk2 SHAKLEE?
Ok kali ni sy nk update ttg status HALAL produk ni. Kt bwh ni leh check produk2 Shaklee yg berstatus "HALAL"

Islamic Services of America (ISA) tersenarai sebagai salah satu Badan Islam yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Boleh klik direct link di sini: Senarai Badan Islam yang Diiktiraf JAKIM dan di sini: Halal Accreditation (ISA).

Alhamdulillah, Shaklee ialah dari produk yang HALAL. Kalau tak HALAL, sy pun tak nak amek wlu bg FREE skalipn..=D

So, dh xpyh ragu2 lg..cpt contact sy utk rebut promo setiap bulan dr Shaklee..berbaloi2..!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Apa itu MealShake?

Salam all..
Arini nk share sket psl meal shakes Shaklee.Thn lepas sj je beli sb igt nk bg ariq nt kl dia ada mslh cerewet nk mkn tp Alhamdulillah dia suka mkn. Then br2 ni tgk dh nk expired Jun 2013 so sy minumkan jela.campur dgn ESP so far.Sedap..makin lazat la ESP bl bergabung dgn Meal Shakes ni.Lemak berkrim disukai ramai. Besenye gabungan ni sy amek lepas bgn tido, before prepare food n brg2 Ariq utk ke taska setiap ari. Umpama bfast sy la kiranya di awal pg....

Apa itu MealShake?
Shaklee Meal Shakes merupakan makanan segera yang rendah lemak dan rendah-glycemic. Rasanya juga enak serta boleh dibancuh dengan mana-mana hidangan atau snek lain. Ia mengandungi 19 vitamin utama dan mineral tambahan dan jika dihidang seperti yang disarankan ia kaya dengan sumber kalsium dan protein yang amat diperlukan oleh kanak-kanak untuk membesar, kuat dan sihat. Pilihan protein soya terbaik anda.

Setiap bancuhan MealShake memberikan satu pertiga daripada US RDA dengan 19 vitamin/ galian yang diperlukan bersama dengan protein, galian dan 3gm serat. Nutrisi semulajadi yang bagus dan mempunyai rasa yang sedap.
Dan yang penting sekali,
"No artificial flavour, colours,sweeteners or preservatives added"

*a wholesome instant breakfast
*a delicious,inexpensive meal in hurry
*a nutrition packed meal supplement
*a detectable snack any time
*an ideal meal for people watching their weight or controlling total fat cholesterol and  sodium

Siapa yang perlukan MealShake?
Basically,ia sesuai utk semua kanak2 terutamanya yang kurang selera makan atau yang sembelit atau pun kanak-kanak yang obese. Juga sesuai utk sesiapa sahaja (Ibu-ibu mengandung,menyusu,pesakit-pesakit dalam proses pemullihan selepas pembedahan, mereka yang inginkan kulit cantik, ingin kekal sihat) . Terutama kepada yang tak gemarkan supplemen dalm bentuk tablet kerana Mealshake ni datang dlm bentuk serbuk,dibancuh jadi minuman yg lazat. MealShake ini juga bagus untu mereka yang ingin menambah/memantau berat badan.


Monday, 4 February 2013

DHA supplements for breastfeeding mothers

At present, there is a major marketing effort aimed at getting pregnant and breastfeeding women to take DHA supplements (the same supplements that are being marketed in the newer baby formulas).
Here’s a quick rundown on what DHA is: Mammals do not manufacture their own polyunsaturated fatty acids. Two of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega-6 (linoleic acid is the primary source) and Omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid is the primary source), are considered to beessential fatty acids (EFAs) and have numerous health benefits. Deficiencies of either of these essential fatty acids are extremely rare in the United States and Canada. We convert theseessential fatty acids in our bodies to other needed fatty acids, which we can also get from food sources. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) are made from linoleic acid; and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are made from alpha-linolenic acid.
Babies, however, generate the fatty acids such as ARA and DHA more slowly than adults and thus need to get some via diet (i.e., breastmilk). In addition, there is evidence that adults eating a typical American diet do not get a large enough percentage of the Omega-3 fatty acids.
There is no evidence whatsoever that breastmilk is deficient in DHA, and there is no evidence that DHA supplements taken by a nursing mother will improve the long term outcome or IQ of her baby. Nursing mothers who get more DHA do have have higher levels of DHA in their milk, but it is not known whether these higher levels are beneficial or what the optimal levels might be. Vegetarians, particularly vegans, tend to have lower levels of DHA in breastmilk.
Dr. Thomas Hale recommends that normal breastfeeding women should not be supplemented with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). He indicates that while it is true that populations who ingest large quantities of fish and therefore polyunsaturated fatty acids do not have cardiovascular disease, he has indication that their rate of stroke is much higher, and so recommends that “supplements” not be used.
Nursing and pregnant women are certainly encouraged to eat natural sources of DHA and alpha linolenic acid. Good sources include:
  • cold water/oily fish and fish oils (e.g., salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, sardines, anchovies); fresh fish is better, as freezing destroys some of the EFA; avoid consumption of fish that may be high in mercury
  • green leaves of plants, including phytoplankton and algae
  • some seeds and nuts (flax seeds, walnuts, canola, linseeds, pumpkin seeds)
  • some legumes (soy beans, Great Northern beans, kidney beans, navy beans)