"Kalsium x di
hasilkan semulajadi dlm badan..so ambil susu or suplement utk kuatkan tulang n
gigi anda,sblm ia hilang sblm waktunye..hehe"
Ya, saya setuju! Sila
baca dibawah!!
Sumber kalsium tubuh
kita dpt melalui 2 cara..
1- dari makanan yang
kita makan
2- dari dalam tubuh
kita sendiri apabila kita tidak fulfill cara 1
Ramai yg pandang
enteng ttg kekurangan calcium dari pengambilan makanan harian, akibatnya badan
akan mengambil kalsium yg disimpan di tulang dan gigi utk kegunaan badan..
Disebabkan itu, ramai
ibu2 yg BF mengadu..mengalami kerosakkan gigi..rasa sakit
pinggang..sendi..lenguh2.. BEWARE..anda mungkin sedang menggunakan kalsium
simpanan hari tua anda ;(
Dipetik dari Harvard
Health Publication
#Jika anda sedang
mencari supplement calcium, pastikan ia mengandungi magnesium! Kenapa?
==> Magnesium ada
mineral yg sukar utk disimpan didalam tubuh
==> Magnesium bantu
menyerap calcium dan mengekalkannya di dalam tubuh
==> Magnesium
bertindak dengan baik bersama calcium utk membina matrix tulang anda yg kuat
dan kukuh (utk mengelakkan kerapuhan)
==> Magnesium dan
calcium bergabung memberikan kesihatan yg lebih baik pada sistem cardiovascular
==> Magnesium dan
calcium bergambung membantu mengatasi
masalah insomnia, ia
memberikan anda tidur yang lena
Jangan lupa,
lengkapilah calcium supplement anda dengan vit D! Kenapa?
==> Vit D
memaksimakan penyerapan calcium didalam tubuh
==> Vit D juga
membantu regulate calsium didalam peredaran darah
carilah calcium
supplement dari sumber calcium citrate kerana kadar penyerapan kedalam tubuh
lebih tinggi!!
kesimpulannya...semuanya terdapat didalam Shaklee Ostematrix!
1) FDA/RDA dsbnye
..recommendation yg dibuat adalah berdasarkan keperluan individu yg IDEAL
>>> Sihat tubuh badan tanpa sebarang masalah kesihatan..
2) Calcium
toxicity/excess jika diambil 2500 mg >> SETIAP HARI (Earl Mindell)
3) Perlu igt calcium
ni banyak musuh..
>>> Lebih
ratio calcium: phosphorus (normal 2:1) ..so if suke makan high phosporus..
calcium akan deplete
>>> ambil
ubat2 ade sesetengahnya mengurangkan calcium absorption, kurangkan calcium dlm
darah, tulang..
>>> suke
makan lelemak, oxalic acid dalam coklat dll makanan.. phytic acid..caffein
menghalang penyerapan calcium..
4) Calcium works best
with A, C, & iron.. so logicla kan kenapa dalam vitalea ada calcium.. sbb
complement each other.. plus, 225 mg tu x cukup keperluan daily.. sbb tu
supplement calcium masih diperlukan..
5) Dalam ESP ada
calcium.. yang ni salah satu criteria pilih soya kan..kene ada calcium..
Not all calcium
consumed is actually absorbed in the gut. Humans absorb about 30% of the
calcium in foods, but this varies depending upon the type of food consumed [1].
Other factors also affect calcium absorption including the following:
> Amount consumed:
the efficiency of absorption decreases as calcium intake increases [1].
> Age and life
stage: net calcium absorption is as high as 60% in infants and young children,
who need substantial amounts of the mineral to build bone [1,8]. Absorption
decreases to 15%–20% in adulthood (though it is increased during pregnancy) and
continues to decrease as people age; compared with younger adults, recommended
calcium intakes are higher for females older than 50 years and for both males
and females older than 70 years [1,8,9].
> Vitamin D intake:
this nutrient, obtained from food and produced by skin when exposed to sunlight
of sufficient intensity, improves calcium absorption [1].
> Other components
in food: phytic acid and oxalic acid, found naturally in some plants, bind to
calcium and can inhibit its absorption. Foods with high levels of oxalic acid
include spinach, collard greens, sweet potatoes, rhubarb, and beans. Among the
foods high in phytic acid are fiber-containing whole-grain products and wheat
bran, beans, seeds, nuts, and soy isolates [1]. The extent to which these
compounds affect calcium absorption varies. Research shows, for example, that
eating spinach and milk at the same time reduces absorption of the calcium in
milk [10]. In contrast, wheat products (with the exception of wheat bran) do
not appear to lower calcium absorption [11]. For people who eat a variety of
foods, these interactions probably have little or no nutritional consequence
and, furthermore, are accounted for in the overall calcium DRIs, which factor
in differences in absorption of calcium in mixed diets.
Some absorbed calcium
is eliminated from the body in urine, feces, and sweat. This amount is affected
by such factors as the following:
> Sodium and
protein intakes: high sodium intake increases urinary calcium excretion
[12,13]. High protein intake also increases calcium excretion and was therefore
thought to negatively affect calcium status [12,13]. However, more recent
research suggests that high protein intake also increases intestinal calcium
absorption, effectively offsetting its effect on calcium excretion, so whole
body calcium retention remains unchanged [14].
> Caffeine intake:
this stimulant in coffee and tea can modestly increase calcium excretion and
reduce absorption [15]. One cup of regular brewed coffee, for example, causes a
loss of only 2–3 mg of calcium [13]. Moderate caffeine consumption (1 cup of
coffee or 2 cups of tea per day) in young women has no negative effects on bone
> Alcohol intake:
alcohol intake can affect calcium status by reducing its absorption [17] and by
inhibiting enzymes in the liver that help convert vitamin D to its active form
[18]. However, the amount of alcohol required to affect calcium status and
whether moderate alcohol consumption is helpful or harmful to bone is unknown.
> Phosphorus
intake: the effect of this mineral on calcium excretion is minimal. Several
observational studies suggest that consumption of carbonated soft drinks with
high levels of phosphate is associated with reduced bone mass and increased
fracture risk. However, the effect is probably due to replacing milk with soda
rather than the phosphorus itself [19,20].
> Fruit and
vegetable intakes: metabolic acids produced by diets high in protein and cereal
grains increase calcium excretion [21]. Fruits and vegetables, when
metabolized, shift the acid/base balance of the body towards the alkaline by
producing bicarbonate, which reduces calcium excretion. However, it is unclear
if consuming more fruits and vegetables affects bone mineral density. These
foods, in addition to reducing calcium excretion, could possibly reduce calcium
absorption from the gut and therefore have no net effect on calcium balance.
so terpulanglah pada
orang tu nak kate banyaaaakkk sangat calcium die amek dah... kene juge check
body tu.. kalo engine dah kaput.. cell dah banyak yang kaput.. absorption pun
kaput.. sbb tu ade orang makan supplement kesan cepat ade yg lambat..bergantung
pada kekaputan engine masing2..Master Iffah Anuar

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